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Boot From Backup

Is this on the horizon at all because if it's possible it really should be. Booting a VM from a backup image is pretty standard now and it would be a HUGE leap forward.

  • That makes sense. Not going to help now, but I use the native hyperV to take a checkpoint of my exports once in awhile. It takes a ton of space and is a hassle but I have been burned to many times with end case issues like you are experiencing

    I would be interesting in hearing what happened as I was under the impression that if an export failed, no changes would be made to the existing vmdk
  • That makes sense. Not going to help now, but I use the native hyperV to take a checkpoint of my exports once in awhile. It takes a ton of space and is a hassle but I have been burned to many times with end case issues like you are experiencing

    I would be interesting in hearing what happened as I was under the impression that if an export failed, no changes would be made to the existing vmdk
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