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Incremental/Archive/Restore question

My retention is one per month.

In my repository I have a base image dated 1/1/2017, incremental dated 2/1/2017, and incremental dated 3/1/2017.

If I run an archive job for the month of 3/1/2017, it outputs the Base image dated 1/1/2017 and the incremental dated 3/1/2017. 

My question; since there is a snapshot of 2/1/2017 in the repository, and archives do not rollup, does that mean the archive file does not have any changes made on 2/1/2017?

  • Hi randall.oshita:
    Although it makes sense, the archiving logic may be a little confusing.

    You intend to archive the Month of March 2017. This month contains only one incremental recovery point (3/1/2017). However, to be able to mount it and use the data inside, you need a recovery chain. This recovery chain is composed from the base image on 1/1/2017 and the incremental recovery points on 2/1/2017 and 3/1/2017. However, since you need only the March data, two recovery points (Feb and Jan) were consolidated in what seems to be the base image :)

    To better understand the process, think of deleting a range of recovery points (based on date) from a longer recovery chain. Although some recovery points in the middle of the chain have been removed, the integrity of the recovery chain is preserved and you can mount successfully recovery points newer than the ones that were deleted. How is this possible? The answer is that there is a specific rollup performed so the newer recovery points can connect with the base image. The same process is taking place during archiving.

    Hope that this helps.
  • Hi randall.oshita:
    Although it makes sense, the archiving logic may be a little confusing.

    You intend to archive the Month of March 2017. This month contains only one incremental recovery point (3/1/2017). However, to be able to mount it and use the data inside, you need a recovery chain. This recovery chain is composed from the base image on 1/1/2017 and the incremental recovery points on 2/1/2017 and 3/1/2017. However, since you need only the March data, two recovery points (Feb and Jan) were consolidated in what seems to be the base image :)

    To better understand the process, think of deleting a range of recovery points (based on date) from a longer recovery chain. Although some recovery points in the middle of the chain have been removed, the integrity of the recovery chain is preserved and you can mount successfully recovery points newer than the ones that were deleted. How is this possible? The answer is that there is a specific rollup performed so the newer recovery points can connect with the base image. The same process is taking place during archiving.

    Hope that this helps.
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