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transfer failed problem with vss subsystem.

I know this has been addressed on this forum before so i apologize for re-posting but I've been down the rabbit hole for some time now.  I have RR running and the agent is on about a dozen VM's in vmware.  Yesterday my hourly backups began failing with.


DosnapshotSet failed with error "they system was unable to flush I/O writes."   "problem with vss subsystem"    We've seen this before in other posts.


If i reboot, the first transfer is successful but not after that.  The application log has a vss error id 12297, 12289.  12297 states the volume shadow copy service error:  I/O writes cannot be flushed during shadow copy creation on volume (its the system reserve partition).


I've run chkdsk on both C:\ and system restore.

defrag on both.

gone as far as to reset the system restore so size isn't an issue, 90% free.    Same happens first one after reboot is good then fail.

I/O can't be a problem since the one i'm testing all changes on isn't in use period.

no other backup software in use, and shadow copies within windows is off. 


Thoughts or idea's?


EDIT: additionally if someone can help me understand how windows 'shadow copies' plays into how RR is working.

  • Shadow Copies. This could be a bit dicey as the term maybe a bit flexible. I typically think of Shadow Copies as OS backups and they have nothing to do with RR.

    RR uses MS VSS to create snapshots (just like shadow copies) but the shadow copy is deleted after it is done. So RR should not leave any shadow copies around

    But when RR calls VSS to take a snapshot, many of the shadow copy settings are used. So you may have to change shadow copy settings for certain RR / VSS backups to run. For example:

    If anyone has better info, feel free to add or correct me
  • Shadow Copies. This could be a bit dicey as the term maybe a bit flexible. I typically think of Shadow Copies as OS backups and they have nothing to do with RR.

    RR uses MS VSS to create snapshots (just like shadow copies) but the shadow copy is deleted after it is done. So RR should not leave any shadow copies around

    But when RR calls VSS to take a snapshot, many of the shadow copy settings are used. So you may have to change shadow copy settings for certain RR / VSS backups to run. For example:

    If anyone has better info, feel free to add or correct me
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