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Add storage location to existing repository - error license

Hi, I currently have Rapid Recovery 6.1.3 with 30To of license.

I have an existing repository of 20To and add an extension bay of 10To. When I try to add 10To, I always get an error that the maximum repository size is limited by the licence. I was able to add 7 To only, the system accept. So now I have a current repository with 2 location for a total of 27.29To. I've got 2to free on the extension and wants to add it to the current repo. If I enter 2To, the system didn't accept it, if I enter 1.8To or 1.7 To, not enough again. My server is a DL4300 appliance with an expansion module

I try rebooting the core, nothing change. I make the samething on my replication core (same hardware) and I was able to add my expansion module for a total of 29.64To


Thanks for your help.

  • This behavior is common yes. There is some 'guess' work in trying to get as close to your licensed amount as possible, however the core usually comes in a bit lower than your licensed amount due to the config/metadata for the repo that gets created (and counted against) your repository size. If you were licensed for 30 TB, and enter in 30 TB, then between the repo and the metadata combined you'd be well over 30 TB. That is where the grey area is where you come in under your license amount and incrementally move 'up' if need be.
  • This behavior is common yes. There is some 'guess' work in trying to get as close to your licensed amount as possible, however the core usually comes in a bit lower than your licensed amount due to the config/metadata for the repo that gets created (and counted against) your repository size. If you were licensed for 30 TB, and enter in 30 TB, then between the repo and the metadata combined you'd be well over 30 TB. That is where the grey area is where you come in under your license amount and incrementally move 'up' if need be.
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