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Replication on two locations

My question is can data in two locations be replicated with each other to make sure that both backups are identical? I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

  • If you're asking for 2 cores to backup the same protected machine/VM, that answer is no, you can't do that. Whether it is agent based backups, or agent-less backups (HV or VMware) it can only be backed up by 1 of our Cores. The metadata on the protected node will notice the core that is backing it up and if you were to try to add it to another it would say 'it is already backed up by 'x' do you want to switch it.' The direct backup can only be done by 1 core. The replication however can be done to as many cores as you like. So you can do the backup via 1 and replicate that RP off to 20 other cores if you so desire.
  • If you're asking for 2 cores to backup the same protected machine/VM, that answer is no, you can't do that. Whether it is agent based backups, or agent-less backups (HV or VMware) it can only be backed up by 1 of our Cores. The metadata on the protected node will notice the core that is backing it up and if you were to try to add it to another it would say 'it is already backed up by 'x' do you want to switch it.' The direct backup can only be done by 1 core. The replication however can be done to as many cores as you like. So you can do the backup via 1 and replicate that RP off to 20 other cores if you so desire.
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