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Standby option server time issue



I have an issue, i create a standby option backup from esxi to hyper-v and that occurs every hour, the problem is that the VM datetime keeps get changed.

After some digging i found the problem is rapidrecovery... when the process start the vm update the current hour +1... is a SQL Vm so the problem is big...


- time 14H00

- rapid recover start a backup

- Windows VM change time to 15:01

- Rapid recover reports sucess backup from 14H


Then about 30 minutes later the Windows Vm resync the time and change it for 14:30... after the process repeats..

  • Yes i have the windows VM sync with domain controller, is because of that the after some time the time back to normal.
    I confirmed and the w32tm have domain controller as peers and eveything appers to be ok... i really have no clue what is the problem... i have more windows VM in the same esxi host and the only difference is that all the others are configured in rapidrecovery as export one time a day, and that VM that is showing problems is the only with standby option and the backup is every hour
  • Yes i have the windows VM sync with domain controller, is because of that the after some time the time back to normal.
    I confirmed and the w32tm have domain controller as peers and eveything appers to be ok... i really have no clue what is the problem... i have more windows VM in the same esxi host and the only difference is that all the others are configured in rapidrecovery as export one time a day, and that VM that is showing problems is the only with standby option and the backup is every hour
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