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Appasure to Rapid Recovery Upgrade Exchange Logs

I am currently working a project to upgrade my backup server from Appassure to Rapid Recovery and wanted to know if anyone could help me out with a question. My 2010 Exchange server is running on Appasure v4 and I want to upgrade it with the Rapid Recovery Agent, when i uninstall the Replay software from the exchange will it remove the log files with it or will i have to delete those as well? Any information would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Which log files are you talking about specifically?

    If you're talking about the agent change logs, they should be removed during uninstall. When you install the new agent, new change logs will be created.

    If you're asking will Rapid Recovery be able to perform log truncation on an Exchange 2010 server to keep your Exchange log files in check, the answer is yes. Rapid Recovery supports Exchange 2010 backup and log truncation. You can also do mountability and checksum checks on the database backups.
  • Which log files are you talking about specifically?

    If you're talking about the agent change logs, they should be removed during uninstall. When you install the new agent, new change logs will be created.

    If you're asking will Rapid Recovery be able to perform log truncation on an Exchange 2010 server to keep your Exchange log files in check, the answer is yes. Rapid Recovery supports Exchange 2010 backup and log truncation. You can also do mountability and checksum checks on the database backups.
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