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Help with Powershell Reporting

We use Rapid Recovery to backup all of our user computers. We have over 150 computers backed up that are spread out over four separate cores.

I am looking for a way to generate an alert (email) when any computer has not had a successful backup of its C:\ partition in X number of days.

Currently I get email alerts when transfer jobs fail but its not terribly helpful because transfers fail all the time on user computers because they are often turned off/put to sleep/lose connection mid snapshot on a daily basis. I get so many failure emails that I mostly ignore them unless I see a trend of failures on any one certain computer.

Also the built in reporting is not helpful in this situation because there are plenty of times that a computer will show as having a recent successful snapshot but if I look at the details of the recovery points I can see that it may have only been the SRP or SYSTEM partition that completed successfully but not the main data (C:\) partition. This also is misleading when looking at the home tab in the core where I can quickly see a list of all protected machines and the date/time of their last snapshot. Those successful backups might only be for one partition.

Is there any way to customize one of the powershell scripts to do what I am looking for?

Or if not, the next best thing would be a weekly generated report that shows me the date/time of the last successful backup for each computer but only show successful if ALL partitions were successfully snapshotted.



  • Hi jblackledge:
    I have written a script that yields the newest recovery points and allows a threshold to be set up via a parameter. It is pretty well documented. Give it a try!
    The KB is
    Download and run RRnewestrecoverypointsreport.2.ps1 (there are a few older scripts attached to the KB together with a report example)
    Let us know how it goes!