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Rapid Recovery task tab order of items

The task tab in Appassure displayed items in their order of addition to the list, with newest items on the top. The task tab in Rapid Recovery has no meaningful order. I found utility in the Appsassure ordering. Can RR ordering be made to have the newest items at the top?

  • I found out why my results seem odd. I had a replication job blocked by a mountability check. Then when the check was complete, the limit I have on simultaneous replications was met by jobs that were queued up after my job in question. If I could see the time that the jobs were added to the queue, I could figure out in a much faster way why one job seems to be bypassed.
  • I found out why my results seem odd. I had a replication job blocked by a mountability check. Then when the check was complete, the limit I have on simultaneous replications was met by jobs that were queued up after my job in question. If I could see the time that the jobs were added to the queue, I could figure out in a much faster way why one job seems to be bypassed.
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