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RR 6.1.1 Local Mount Utility Install prompts for digitally signed driver

When I go to install the Local Mount Utility, it prompts saying that windows blocked the installation of a digitally unsigned driver. I have tried advanced bootup to allow installation of unsigned drivers but still received this prompt.


  • Hey Tim, Thanks for your support!

    I did just that now, disabled secure boot, and used this command in an elevated cmd prompt to enable some Windows 10 Test mode that allows the driver to install.

    bcdedit /set testsigning on

    Restarted afterwards.
  • Hey Tim, Thanks for your support!

    I did just that now, disabled secure boot, and used this command in an elevated cmd prompt to enable some Windows 10 Test mode that allows the driver to install.

    bcdedit /set testsigning on

    Restarted afterwards.
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