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Repository Sizing - Calculations


I have been asked to put together some full calculations for sizing a new Repository, 

Reading through the sizing document its stating the multiplier as 1.4x where x = total amount protected. +- .2 per 10% 

and then adding  .5 year year etc, 

anyhow long and short of it  just wondered if anyone had already made  calculator that could help


  • Hi Corrigun:
    Nice App -- it works specifically for Veeam 7 & 8 though. Without false boasting, in most cases, real life RapidRecovery dedupe/compression is much better. However, the tool itself is very nicely done with the simplicity that derives from fully understanding the issue at hand (I looked in the code & at GitHub as well). Will show it to our dev team as an example of what can be done. Thank you for sharing!
  • Hi Corrigun:
    Nice App -- it works specifically for Veeam 7 & 8 though. Without false boasting, in most cases, real life RapidRecovery dedupe/compression is much better. However, the tool itself is very nicely done with the simplicity that derives from fully understanding the issue at hand (I looked in the code & at GitHub as well). Will show it to our dev team as an example of what can be done. Thank you for sharing!
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