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Core memory usage in Hyper-V VMs making VMs unresponsive

We run most of our Rapid Recovery Cores in Hyper-V VMs. Since upgrading from Appassure 5.4 to Rapid Recovery we've had problems with the Core service gradually using up more and more memory until it eventually uses up all the available memory recourses. At the point the VM will become unresponsive and eventually crash. This first started happening with Rapid Recovery 6.0, and has continued to happen with all the subsequent releases. Most of our Core VMs are running Windows Server 2012r2, a few are also on 2012 or 2008r2, and the problem seems to happen with all of them. We don't see this problem happening with Core that are running bare metal however.

Are there any known issues with Rapid Recovery running on Hyper-V VMs, or workarounds for this problem?

  • At this point in time I can not say that I have noticed this occurring, although I will admit that I tend to test more with VMs in VMware more often than not. I will purposely built out some in HV to see if I notice the behavior that you have mentioned, as this is news to me.

    If I may ask however, what kind of resources are we providing these cores? Are they within our sizing specs? (I only ask since if these were VMs of say 6 GB of RAM or 10 and a dedupe cache of 4, then I'd say yes I'd expect this to happen)

    Or are they a little bit of everything? Or perhaps it just doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason?

    Either way, I'll spin up some HV cores and attempt just this very thing myself.
  • At this point in time I can not say that I have noticed this occurring, although I will admit that I tend to test more with VMs in VMware more often than not. I will purposely built out some in HV to see if I notice the behavior that you have mentioned, as this is news to me.

    If I may ask however, what kind of resources are we providing these cores? Are they within our sizing specs? (I only ask since if these were VMs of say 6 GB of RAM or 10 and a dedupe cache of 4, then I'd say yes I'd expect this to happen)

    Or are they a little bit of everything? Or perhaps it just doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason?

    Either way, I'll spin up some HV cores and attempt just this very thing myself.
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