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how to force disk information refresh ?

Rapid recovery core is displaying wrong hard drive usage , after i reclaimmed unused space on a thin provisionned vmdk.

IS there a way to refresh the disk information?

I saw this possibility sometimes, but i dont know how to force it.



  • Hi Boom:

    The "Refresh Disk Information" option shows up automatically only in some specific situations when volume metadata is misreported and does not influence the functionality or the amount of data processed by of your backup operations. KB195639 mentions it "en-passant" in the Additional Information Section.

    When the option shows up it looks like below:

    Please note the yellow-exclamation mark triangle on the left of the volume. If you hover your mouse over it, you will get a message stating that allocation information is not available, as shown below:

    At last, when you click the "Refresh Disk Information" link button, you get a warning message before you can proceed.

    Now, in your case, I suspect that the CBT information was preserved while you shrunk the disk. Although this does not affect your backups, if your machine is hosted on a VMFS volume, resetting CBT -- and thus triggering a new base image, may help getting the disk metadata right. If your machine is hosted on a NFS volume, the issue you are facing may be related to NFS behavior and storage-motion your machine to a VMFS volume may solve the metadata issue.

    Hope that this helps.

  • Hi Boom:

    The "Refresh Disk Information" option shows up automatically only in some specific situations when volume metadata is misreported and does not influence the functionality or the amount of data processed by of your backup operations. KB195639 mentions it "en-passant" in the Additional Information Section.

    When the option shows up it looks like below:

    Please note the yellow-exclamation mark triangle on the left of the volume. If you hover your mouse over it, you will get a message stating that allocation information is not available, as shown below:

    At last, when you click the "Refresh Disk Information" link button, you get a warning message before you can proceed.

    Now, in your case, I suspect that the CBT information was preserved while you shrunk the disk. Although this does not affect your backups, if your machine is hosted on a VMFS volume, resetting CBT -- and thus triggering a new base image, may help getting the disk metadata right. If your machine is hosted on a NFS volume, the issue you are facing may be related to NFS behavior and storage-motion your machine to a VMFS volume may solve the metadata issue.

    Hope that this helps.

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