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Tevo Enable Volume Logging Error AppAssure 5

Since a few days, my Exchange server has a problem of failing during the transfer of volume on AppAssure 5. I am on a Windows 2012 server.
Every times he tried to do a transfer of volume, I got the same error which is the following:

The transfer failed: 'Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)'
TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)

I tried to reinstall Agent on the exchange server and create a new repository, but I got the same mistake anyway. I don't know where the problem is...
If somebody has an idea, i'm listening carefully :/

The error detailled here (sorry some part are on french):
The transfer failed: 'Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)'
TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles) Exception chain:
TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)
Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)
The transfer failed: 'Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)'
Une ou plusieurs erreurs se sont produites.
Replay.Agent.Contracts.Transfer.TransferFailedException: The transfer failed: 'Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)' ---> System.AggregateException: Une ou plusieurs erreurs se sont produites. ---> WCFClientBase.ClientServerErrorException: Call to service method GET failed: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles) ---> Replay.Common.Contracts.TevoLib.TevoLibraryErrorException: TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)
   à Replay.Common.NativeWrapper.TevoLib.TevoLibraryErrorException.Throw(String functionName, Int32 errorCode)
   à Replay.Agent.NativeWrapper.Drivers.DriverApi.EnableVolumeLogging(String volumeName, UInt32 epoch, Boolean generateNewGuid)
   à Replay.Agent.Implementation.Drivers.DriverVolume.Enable()
   à Replay.Agent.Implementation.DriverChangeLogs.DriverChangeLogsService.EnumerateDriverChangeLogs(VolumeName volumeName)
   à Replay.Agent.Management.DriverChangeLogs.DriverChangeLogsManagement.EnumerateDriverChangeLogs(String volumeName)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   à WCFClientBase.ClientBase.HandleResponse(Uri uri, String method, HttpResponseMessage response)
   à WCFClientBase.ClientBase.GetResponse(Uri uri, String method, String knownEtag)
   à WCFClientBase.ClientBase.ExecuteServiceCall[T](Uri uri, String method, String knownETag)
   à Replay.Agent.Client.DriverChangeLogsManagementAgentClient.EnumerateDriverChangeLogs(String volumeName)
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.DetermineIfDriverChangeLogsShouldBeCleanedUpInternal(TransferGroupItem transferGroupItem)
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.<>c__DisplayClass74.b__72(TransferGroupItem item)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.ExecuteParallel(Action`1 action)
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.DetermineIfDriverChangeLogsShouldBeCleanedUp()
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.TransferTaskInternal()
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.TransferAgentTask()
   à Replay.Core.Implementation.Transfer.TransferJob.TransferTask()
   à System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
  • Hi Matthieu49:

    An educated guess is that there is not enough space on your volumes for VSS snapshots. As you know, the VSS snapshots generated when the system is quesced are hosting all the write operations performed during the backup data transfer. As such, they may grow over their permitted size and kill the backup job.

    "TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)" seems to convey that there is too much data available.

    As a first troubleshooting step I would check if each volume (including any system reserved/recovery partition) to be backed up has at least 10% free space (which is the MS recommendation) and if there is, I would remove the VSS limitations. Attention needs to be given to the Exchange logs as they may not have been truncated for quire some time and take way too much space.

    Inspecting the state of the VSS writers may reveal if there is any in an unstable status. Please note that the VSS Exchange Writer can be reset obly by restarting the information store (you may be better off by rebooting :))

    C:\> VSSADMIN list writers

    Attempting to take a VSS snapshot using diskshadow may be helpful as you would get a better sense of what makes snapshots to fail.

    You may use Diskshadow to truncate Exchange logs as well (if you need to do it)


    DISKSHADOW> set verbose on

    DISKSHADOW> set context volatile

    DISKSHADOW> add volume C:

    DISKSHADOW> add volume ... (add all volumes, one line per volume)

    DISKSHADOW> begin backup

    DISKSHADOW> create

    DISKSHADOW> end backup

    Please let us know how it goes.

  • Hi Matthieu49:

    An educated guess is that there is not enough space on your volumes for VSS snapshots. As you know, the VSS snapshots generated when the system is quesced are hosting all the write operations performed during the backup data transfer. As such, they may grow over their permitted size and kill the backup job.

    "TevoEnableVolumeLogging a échoué avec l'erreur -2147024662 (0x800700ea - Plus de données sont disponibles)" seems to convey that there is too much data available.

    As a first troubleshooting step I would check if each volume (including any system reserved/recovery partition) to be backed up has at least 10% free space (which is the MS recommendation) and if there is, I would remove the VSS limitations. Attention needs to be given to the Exchange logs as they may not have been truncated for quire some time and take way too much space.

    Inspecting the state of the VSS writers may reveal if there is any in an unstable status. Please note that the VSS Exchange Writer can be reset obly by restarting the information store (you may be better off by rebooting :))

    C:\> VSSADMIN list writers

    Attempting to take a VSS snapshot using diskshadow may be helpful as you would get a better sense of what makes snapshots to fail.

    You may use Diskshadow to truncate Exchange logs as well (if you need to do it)


    DISKSHADOW> set verbose on

    DISKSHADOW> set context volatile

    DISKSHADOW> add volume C:

    DISKSHADOW> add volume ... (add all volumes, one line per volume)

    DISKSHADOW> begin backup

    DISKSHADOW> create

    DISKSHADOW> end backup

    Please let us know how it goes.

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