We are very excited to share that we've been honored with a Confirmit Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE) Award for 2018. A recognition, which Quest has earned for the 9th consecutive year!

The ACE awards program honors outstanding work and meaningful contributions to the achievement of universal customer excellence. We earned the ACE Award based on positive feedback provided by customers about their experience with support, customer service, and licensing.

In the words of Ken Ostreng, president and CEO of Confirmit, Quest has "proven time and again their prowess in the Customer Experience field. Their exemplary customer program demonstrates an innovative approach to understanding their audience, as well as a profound commitment to improving their business based on what they have heard from their clientele."

The key to great customer service is consistency and we are dedicated to delivering just that; so needless to say we are very proud of this accomplishment and are looking forward to continuing on this path for many years to come.

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