Hopefully you've seen the latest and greatest news about our QoreStor product. We've partnered with Veeam! We're really excited about this opportunity and have some great assets to share with you. 

Most of the partnership information can be found at quest.com/veeam

On this page, you'll find general information about the QoreStor-Veeam relationship. We also have some links to press releases, trial downloads and a datasheet -- so please go check it out! 

In the partner portal, we have a QoreStor-Veeam playbook to download here

Again, we're really excited about this partnership and opportunity. We have some webcasts coming up as well as new assets. We'll also be at Veeam On in May. If you're attending, please stop by the Quest booth to say hello! 

If you have any further questions, please contact your Channel Account Manager. We look forward to working with you on these opportunities! 

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