Did you know that we have resources and assets available for partners to easily download from our Quest Partner Portal? We are working hard to make sure you have the tools you need to market to your database, create co-branded material, find new opportunities, and drive leads thru the funnel.

For example, we recently added 2 introductory email templates for Data Protection and Unified Endpoint Management (KACE) that can be co-branded and sent to your contacts to help build pipeline.


We also just added a Rapid Recovery 6.2 Partner Kit to help you have conversations with your new and existing Rapid Recovery customers.

Here are some of the other assets you can download on the portal:

  • Quest logos
  • Sales Aids
  • Call scripts
  • Campaigns
  • Presentations

I encourage you to check it out and work with your Quest team to use these tools to build your pipeline. How do you find these? Visit partners.quest.com, click Sales/Marketing and then Solutions.

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