We're excited to announce the launch of a new GDPR marketing initiative – the GDPR assessment survey. 

What is it?

We partnered with a third-party firm, Coservit, to create a customized web-based survey where customers can answer a series of questions around their current GDPR strategy. Based on the results, the web-based assessment tool automatically produces a personalized report for each customer that identifies the gaps/challenges and best practices they can implement immediately or over a period of time. This report also guides the customer through considerations for data discovery and risk assessment, operational compliance and risk reduction and agility.

Here's an example of what part of the report looks like:

SALES TIPS - How to leverage this survey?

Step 1: Take 5 minutes and fill the survey out yourself so you can see the questions and an example of a customised report. Click here to check out the survey:http://platform.leadseed.io/bsa2public/qualification/performAssessment/builder/15fc397d274993bb40abcd028d0a35f3127f91b6e26de713aee864eb78e23b7d

Step 2: watch and review the recent GDPR webcast from July 24th: https://www.quest.com/webcast-ondemand/the-gdpr-deadline-is-here-a-survivors-guide-to-gdpr-compliance8133391/.  

Remember, while this was a GDPR focused activity, the lead will be marked with the product interest "Active Directory Security" because it covers multiple Quest security and compliance products as shown on Slide 13. 

Step 3: Check out the GDPR Solutions web page: www.quest.com/gdpr

Step 4: Send the survey to your own customers and prospects!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Quest channel account manager. 

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