We have 2 LIVE Tech Preview programs now available to customers.

If you have a customer that would be a good fit for either Tech Preview, please reach out to your Quest CAM (Channel Account Manager) and/or the appropriate contact mentioned below to discuss prior to engaging your customer, to ensure they are a good fit. 

Customers need to be under NDA - which your Quest CAM can find out. 


Quest On Demand Audit:
We are looking for interested customers to participate and help us shape the direction of the future of our audit offering. 

The ideal candidate has the following attributes:
**Quest friendly prospect or customer
**Willing to participate in regular feedback calls during the tech preview program
**Have an Office 365 tenant that has activity (O356 Exchange, O365 SharePoint, OneDrive for Business)
**Any size

The first phase of the tech preview includes the following capabilities:

  • Fully hosted auditing of Office 365 audit data (Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business) – no deployment necessary
  • Support for multiple Office 365 tenants
  • Interactive search builder with preview
  • Interactive report visualizations
  • Custom and built-in searches
  • Saved searches
  • Long-term storage of MS Cloud audit data


The tech preview will run through late 2018, during which time new functionality will be continuously introduced – including Azure AD data, hybrid AD data, email alerts, scheduled reports, and so on.


If you have a customer who may be interested in participating, please send the information to your tiger team contact and we will vet them for participation in the tech preview program.

Region ​​ QoD Audit tiger team contact
Canada Marc van Kralingen
US – Central Jason Scott
US – East Ian Lindsay
US – Federal Bryan Patton
US – Inside Sales Michael Lebeau
US – National Ghazwan Khairi
US – SLED Joey Heaton
US – West Todd Mera
EMEA + UKI Colin Truran
EMEA – Central Rene Walther
EMEA – North Geir Aasen


Enterprise Reporter 3.1 

We'd like to invite some of our key customers to participate in this program and are asking each of you to assist in driving participation. This will help them understand some of the much anticipated features that we are releasing and we get valuable real live feedback from customers. It's a win-win for everyone involved. If you have a customer you think would be a good fit, please reach out to your CAM and Product Manager, Tri.Nguyen@quest.com.

Customer needs to already be running Enterprise Reporter in their environment. 

At a high-level new features included in the 3.1 Technical Preview are:

  • Azure Resource Discovery and Report Library – Collect and report on basic information from the tenant (tenant name and full LDAP path), subscription information, network security groups, resource groups, and more.
  • Report Parameters – Add multiple parameters as well as group parameters when creating or modifying a report.
  • Report Schedules – View your scheduled report history, disable/enable schedules, and create custom filenames for scheduled reports.
  • New Library Reports – Expand reporting on Azure Tenant, Domain Groups, Enterprise Reporter Discoveries and more.
  • File Storage Analysis Performance Improvements – Run collections faster with multi-threading implementation for significant improvements to collection speeds.

Additional features planned for Enterprise Reporter 3.1 General Availability. However, these are not available in this Technical Preview:

  • IT Security Search 11.4 integration
  • Event Logging and Auditing for changes to Enterprise Reporter System
  • Azure AD Applications and Application Permissions

The technical preview program will require the following of you:

  1. Executed NDA in place between your company and Quest
  2. Download Technical Preview installation files
  3. Install Enterprise Reporter 3.1 Technical Preview on new infrastructure that is provisioned just for this program
  4. Evaluate the features provided in the Technical Preview
  5. Participate in providing feedback by email and completing the survey -https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EnterpriseReporter

Special Considerations:

  • For the release of Enterprise Reporter 3.1 Technical Preview, upgrade from previous versions is not complete and is not supported. Please install a new deployment of Enterprise Reporter 3.1 Technical Preview with a new database.
  • Additionally, any future build of Enterprise Reporter 3.1 will not support upgrading from the Enterprise Reporter 3.1 Technical Preview Release


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