You might ask: “What's Predictive Business Continuity”?

I’m here to tell you that Quest Predictive Business Continuity combines the best of IT infrastructure optimization with enterprise-class data protection. It’s a proactive approach versus a reactive approach. And it’s a new way for you to reach out to customers and prospects and overcome your data protection competitors to grow your business.

Your customers face a few challenges:

  • They are so buried with day to day administrative tasks, they have no time to focus on innovation. The business side of the house expects IT to be a business enabler.
  • Their IT environment is so complex, they can’t optimize the resources they already have, let alone embrace new opportunities like using the cloud for disaster recovery and even production workloads. IT staff need to be able to monitor and manage their resources to prevent problems before they occur.
  • Between accidental and malicious data loss, system outages, storage crashes, viruses, cyber-attacks and ransomware along with the periodic man-made or natural disasters (think hurricane Sandy, Katrina, and Harvey; wild fires in California), Businesses face both financial and reputational risk.

So, IT organizations need much more than just traditional data protection to address all this. Savvy partners and IT organizations turn to Quest predictive business continuity.

After all, when there’s a disaster, whom does the organization turn to for guidance? It turns to management. And whom does management phone first? IT, because the roles of IT are to protect systems, applications and data from disasters and then, when a disaster slips through, to recover and get the business back to work pronto.

As part of that role, IT puts in place service-level agreements (SLAs) including recovery point objectives (RPOs) and recovery time objectives (RTOs). IT uses SLAs to set everyone’s expectations for how long it will take to recover from a disaster, down to the level of how much productivity the company will lose and what will happen with services as sensitive as network access and email.

That’s the ever-growing role IT plays in building confidence in business continuity and the organization’s ability to navigate through unplanned data loss, outages and disasters. Management doesn’t expect IT to predict when the next disaster will strike, but it does expect that IT will be able to recover when it does strike. And when IT is confident in its data protection strategy, it’s halfway to predictive business continuity.

As I mentioned before, IT infrastructure optimization is the other half of predictive business continuity. It ensures that to start with, you have the right level of resources (CPU, memory, storage, network) in place to support business demands so don’t increase risk of system and application crashes yourself. And to make matters worse, over compensating with an under-utilized infrastructure wastes valuable budget that could be used to enable business growth instead.

So now’s the time to reach out to your existing customers and also do some new prospecting with a predictive business continuity message.

We recently held a partner webinar and we’d like you to watch the recording to fully understand what’s in it for you and your customers and prospects. Watch the recording here: Predictive Business Continuity: Our New Solution

We’ve also created a turn-key sales and marketing kit with all the materials you need to drive awareness and demand. Download the Campaign Kit from the Quest Partner Circle >

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