Separate workflows for different object types?

Hi all,

I'm curious if there is any best practice/recommendations around splitting out different types of objects into different workflows & if this is even possible?

With my engineer head on, I like the idea of dealing with users in one workflow, then workstations in another workflow. However looking at workflow configuration, whilst I see you can "Skip" creating "new" Users/Groups it will still update any matched ones. So, it still looks to process all object types.

Is it recommended to just use one workflow for everything?

Many thanks in advance for any feedback.



  • Hi Mark, you can definitely use separate workflows for different object types. A common configuration is to have one workflow+template for users and a different workflow+template for groups. For workstations, you can either pre-sync them with a workflow as you mentioned, or just have the computer objects get created in the target as part of the device cutover process.

    If you choose to configure a template for syncing workstations and want to ensure that the template used for that workflow does not create or update users, you just need to select "Disable" for the two user update options on the same template configuration screen where you selected "Skip" for user creation. 

  • Hi Mark, you can definitely use separate workflows for different object types. A common configuration is to have one workflow+template for users and a different workflow+template for groups. For workstations, you can either pre-sync them with a workflow as you mentioned, or just have the computer objects get created in the target as part of the device cutover process.

    If you choose to configure a template for syncing workstations and want to ensure that the template used for that workflow does not create or update users, you just need to select "Disable" for the two user update options on the same template configuration screen where you selected "Skip" for user creation. 
