On Demand Migration for Active Directory or Migration Manager for Active Directory

Hello, I'm going to work on an inter-forest Active Directory migration with users from several domains already synced to a single Azure-AD tenant.

Users, devices, services will need to be migrated to another local AD domain.

Is there a features comparison matrix available between ODM for AD and QMM for AD in order to select the most adapted solution ?

Thank you in advance for your feedback



  • Hello  ,

    Thanks for posting to the On Demand forum. Currently, On Demand Migration does not support intra forest migrations. However, this may change in the future.  ODM does support intra-forest migrations, however, it will not currently support the migration of sidHistory in an intra-forest AD migration scenario. An upcoming enhancement will allow ODM to support sidHistory in an intra-forest AD migration scenario.

    I would recommend reaching out to our Sales team here for help evaluating the available options against your specific project requirements. 


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Quest | Support

    EDIT: 10/3/23 - Currently, ODM does support intra-forest migration without sidHistory.

  • Hello  ,

    Thanks for posting to the On Demand forum. Currently, On Demand Migration does not support intra forest migrations. However, this may change in the future.  ODM does support intra-forest migrations, however, it will not currently support the migration of sidHistory in an intra-forest AD migration scenario. An upcoming enhancement will allow ODM to support sidHistory in an intra-forest AD migration scenario.

    I would recommend reaching out to our Sales team here for help evaluating the available options against your specific project requirements. 


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Quest | Support

    EDIT: 10/3/23 - Currently, ODM does support intra-forest migration without sidHistory.

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