Microsoft Planner Data

Hi All,

  We are doing the T2T migration and bringing the source domain name to the target. Currently, target users are connected to the PC's using target credentials but connect to source tenant o365 using different username/password for Outlook/Teams and SP. ( All o365 Apps)

  So once we migrate all the data. What will happen to the user data currently on their PCs? 

  we are using Microsoft Teams and Planner. Will the planner pick up these data or need to export them?

  The same goes for OneNote and PowerBI.


  • Hello asela. Teams and Planner store content in M365. The content would be migrated in a T2T migration. Are you suggesting that some content is stored locally; but used in Teams and Planner?

    ODM does not support Power BI migrations yet; but we can let you know when a solution is available.

    OneNote is always more complicated to migrate. Every version of OneNote is different and that impacts what is migrated to the latest version. Are you using multiple versions of OneNote?

  • Hi Asela,

    After you complete the T2T content migration and move the data to the target tenant (eg. mail, OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint), you will want to run a task for the users to use the Desktop Update Agent, which updates the office apps on their PC's to connect to their target M365 accounts, including connections for Outlook, OneDrive sync client, and Teams client.

    If you are moving the source SMTP mail domain from the source tenant to the target tenant at the same time as the content migration, then you will need to run an additional task after the domain move before running the desktop update agent.  This task will refresh the source and target UPN's and email addresses displayed in On Demand Migration to reflect the domain changes.

    The steps for switching applications in a domain move scenario are described here: