ODM Chat archive migration & multiple Conversation history tabs - quality of archive migration

After perform chat archive (test) migration 3 times, the "conversation history" tab sometimes appears three times at chats.

First we only migrate the last 60 days of chats to the active/live chat. Later we start to also migrate older chats (archive option).

Therefore we configure the migration job to migrate the last 60 days to the live chat and all remaining (old) chats using the chat archive option (also with "use additional Teams Chats license for faster archiving").

Then a configuration change for the test user was done and we again perform a simular, second migration. Because of the test user miss lots of old chats, we perform a third chat migration (again 60 days to live chat and all remaining chats using the archive function - but this time without the option to use additional Teams Chats license for faster archiving). The last migration without the Chats-Licenses seems to migrate clearly more chats then the migrations before.

After the three migrations, some of the private chats have none, some one, some two and some private chats have three "conversation history" tabs - is that due to technical reasons?

In one private chat with three conversation history tabs we see no duplicated chats, but all the chats are distributed to the three conversation history tabs in a chronological order. Is there a limit in the conversation history tab, so if there are lots of chats that they have to distributed to more then one conversation history tab?

Because we see, that the accelerated chat archive migration (with "use additional Teams Chats license for faster archiving") migrate appr. 90 chats, but after another chats archiv migration without the acceleration option the log shows 148 migrated chats - that indicates, that the chat archiv migration without the speed option (without using additional teams chat license for faster archiving...) has a better quality and was able to migrate more/additional chats?

Thanks for clarify this,



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