Account discovery and Basic AUTH


I'm actually trying to do the discovery for the accounts in a new migration project.

It always fails with the error: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic., Tenant ....

It seems an error related to basic authentication that is completely deprecated from 01/2023. Slight smile

The service account used to grant the content has the Remote PowerShell enabled as described in the Quest article.

Anyone with the same issue?

Thank you!


  • Hello Riccardo,

    On Demand Migration (ODM) does not use Basic Authentication. Can you try to run a Service Account access test of the affected mailbox with the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer:


    1.) Go to, ensure you're on the "Office 365" tab

    2.) Select "Service Account Access"

    3.) Click Next.

    4.) For the "Target mailbox" enter the end-user's mailbox you are trying to open.

    5.) For the  "Authentication type" select Modern Authentication.

    6.) Click Sign in next to "Modern Authentication credentials" enter the ODM service account used to "grant consent".

    7.) Leave the default Autodiscover option, unless you have specified a specific EWS URL within the ODM Configure Connections | Advanced Options, then enter just the hostname here.

    8.) Leave the default option Test predefined folder | Inbox.

    8.) Check "Use Exchange Impersonation" and enter the end-user's mailbox you are trying to open. Same as 4 above.

    9.) Click Perform Test.

    If you scroll down to the bottom of the results, was the test successful? I would not suggest posting the results here, as there is identifying information.


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Quest | Support