Query about Phased Migration


We are considering option regarding migrations of various workloads, Mailboxes, OneDrive, Teams and Sharepoint and looking to migrate users in smaller batches if possible to try a minimise risk.  

My understanding is that we should migrate mail content older that 90 days initially and we can run initial OneDrive migrations in parallel.

When we have got to a stage of populating most of the mail and OneDrive I understand we can do a final sync and then start to switch users to the target tenant.  If we have say the first batch of users (10-30 users) that we want to start using target mailbox and OneDrive, could we switch them over to target and let them continue working on source for Teams & SPO?

Could this approach be repeated in batches until all users are complete and then we move onto Teams & SharePoint migrations.  Again could this be batched?  Or should Teams and SPO ideally be synced ready to cutover all workloads at the same time (but still in batches)?

Is this is usual sort of approach taken in a batched/phased migration, just wanted to get feedback if possible please?

Many Thanks


  • We have published a On Demand Migration Strategy and Best Practices for Migrating Active Directory, Mail, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Teams’ Content (version 5). <link>

    In general, you should minimize the time your users spend working in two tenants. Syncing content in multiple workloads becomes almost impossible as users open and edit files in both tenants.