User-Migration after User-Matching: necessary or optionally?


Have to migrate OneDrive, Teams and personal Teams-Chats from one tenant to another tenant.

In the destination tenant the user already exists (AADConnect-Sync from another on-premise AD to the destination tenant of the holding).

Matching the user from the source tenant to the destination tenant was successful.

So, the users are there in the destination tenant and they are also ODM-matched, I see no reason to migrate the users (?)

But, to move the OneDrives and Teams or private Teams-Chats - ist there a need to migrate the user accounts or could I go on without migrating the users?



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  • Hello  ,

    Thank you for posting to the Quest On Demand forum. You have posted an excellent question. Typically, when it comes to user objects you either Migrate or Match, not both. Since in your…