Migration order - Teams and Sharepoint


Just a quick question - in which order should we migrate Teams and Sharepoint?

Reason for asking is that we've just done our first Teams migration, but some things are missing even though they were created in the Teams app - most notably Lists. So we're now doing a Sharepoint migration of the site that underpins that Teams group so that the rest of the files are migrated.

Is this the right order to do things, or should we have done the Sharepoint migration first followed by Teams? What we don't want is a bunch of duplicate files coming across.


  • Hello Jim,

    Thanks for posting in the On Demand Migration forum. I understand you are looking for guidance around migrating Teams integrated SharePoint sites that have extended functionality beyond just Teams. We are working on a better integration between Teams and SharePoint migrations and hope to have this available in the near future. In the meantime, it is typically best to migrate Teams integrated SharePoint sites using the ODM Teams module first, then follow up with an ODM SharePoint migration to fill in any missing content.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need any additional clarification.


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Quest | Support

  • Hello Jim,

    Thanks for posting in the On Demand Migration forum. I understand you are looking for guidance around migrating Teams integrated SharePoint sites that have extended functionality beyond just Teams. We are working on a better integration between Teams and SharePoint migrations and hope to have this available in the near future. In the meantime, it is typically best to migrate Teams integrated SharePoint sites using the ODM Teams module first, then follow up with an ODM SharePoint migration to fill in any missing content.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need any additional clarification.


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Quest | Support

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