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Taking so long to migrate the data from notes to sharepoint site list ?

Why it is taking so long to migrate the data from notes to sharepoint site list , I am trying to migrate 100k+ documents with 5-6 fields/columns and with the user deatils the tool itself not completed the job after 96 hours .
Is something which i really consider about ? or generall the tool will take this much of time ?

  • Yes. While migrating, we need to access the list to check successful migration etc., so the 5000 limit fully hits us during migration.
    We have had other customers with this issue, and working around the 5000 item limit fixed it and led to normal migration speeds.
  • Yes. While migrating, we need to access the list to check successful migration etc., so the 5000 limit fully hits us during migration.
    We have had other customers with this issue, and working around the 5000 item limit fixed it and led to normal migration speeds.
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