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Taking so long to migrate the data from notes to sharepoint site list ?

Why it is taking so long to migrate the data from notes to sharepoint site list , I am trying to migrate 100k+ documents with 5-6 fields/columns and with the user deatils the tool itself not completed the job after 96 hours .
Is something which i really consider about ? or generall the tool will take this much of time ?

  • Have you taken special measures to work around the SharePoint 5000 item limit?
    If not, accessing this list will become _very_ slow with more than 5000 items in it, and this will in turn slow down migration drastically.

  • Have you taken special measures to work around the SharePoint 5000 item limit?
    If not, accessing this list will become _very_ slow with more than 5000 items in it, and this will in turn slow down migration drastically.

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