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How to avoid .emf data garbled while migration from notes to share point?

Hi Team,

I have a lotus notes data base which contains 50,000 documents. Out of this 10% of the documents contain table structure data in one of the rich text field in lotus notes form. When ever i migrating those data to a share point list, those data were garbled. could you please suggest me, how can i over come this issue.

After migration the data is looking like below

  • Hi dkalimi,

    This issue is typically caused by corruption on the Notes side. Can you try removing (cutting) the emf from a record and then pasting back in and saving the changes, and then remigrate this record to see if this resolved this.

    If the issue remains can you create a Service request and attach the job file and a sample database with a few records that have emf in them that we can test in our lab.

  • Hi dkalimi,

    This issue is typically caused by corruption on the Notes side. Can you try removing (cutting) the emf from a record and then pasting back in and saving the changes, and then remigrate this record to see if this resolved this.

    If the issue remains can you create a Service request and attach the job file and a sample database with a few records that have emf in them that we can test in our lab.

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