Need the steps to configure Link Tracking in MNSP for Lotus Notes to SharePoint Online

Hi Team,

I am using Quest for migrating Lotus notes to SharePoint Online. I need to use the Quest Link Tracking in my project (from one LN database to another database). Please give the detailed steps to perform this operation.


Ajith Kumar

  • i) Create the Link Tracking Database (MS SQL) using the Quest Link Tracking Database Manager (installed as part of the MNSP installation)

    ii) Turn on client side Link Tracking in the MNSP options, configure (and test) access to the database created in i)

    iii) Turn on Link Tracking in the advanced options of your migration jobs

    iv) Migrate source and target documents of your Notes Doclinks to SharePoint

    v) Finalize the links in SharePoint using the MNSP Finalizer (in the MNSP Console - Tools)

    (Optionally you can also use the MNSP Link Tracking sandbox redirector page - however very few customers use it, and it has no impact once the migration is finalized.)

  • Thank you Peter.
    In my project, the target platform is SharePoint Online. Can you confirm whether these are the steps to be followed? Or any changes needed?

  • Hello Ajith,
    Yes - this was specifically written for SharePoint Online.
    (For SharePoint on-prem, I would usually recommend to also install the Link Tracking Service on SharePoint servers - which is not possible in SharePoint Online.)

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