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User Names field mapping in quest tool

I added Names field in quest tool from lotus note and migrated it but still it is showing as CN name in SP as well

why it did not convert as an email.

In user mapping everything has done like below. still same value is coming to SP as it is in LN.

  • Hello, the user translation works only for fields that are of type "User" in both the Notes source and the SharePoint target.
    If you are seeing the CN name in SharePoint, it is very likely that the target field is a text field.

  • it is name field actually , when I change it from string to User then if I try to see it in preview tab I am getting prompt that illegal option with column

    second one is if I make target type as user in sharepoint tab then after migration field value is system.object[]

    can you help me on this .

  • It is hard to find the exact reason without more information.
    I have tested this in my lab: The source field can remain as "String", but the target field needs to be of type "User", or no user mapping occurs.

    A couple of things to check:
    - Have you looked at the logs? If the user mapping fails (which a target value of "system.object[]" pretty much implies), there should be something in the logs.
    - Is the account configured in MNSP to connect to SharePoint a Site Collection Administrator in the SharePoint target?
    - Have you tested the "Validate in SharePoint" button in the User mapping test (your screenshot above)?
    - Have you tried selecting the "Preserve created/modified identities" option on the mappings tab? This is the easiest way to check if the user mapping works.
    - While it should not be necessary, setting the "Input translation" to "Canonical" in the user mapping options does not hurt.

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