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SP 2010/2016 and NMSP version

We used the Quest NMSP tool to migrate a large volume of Lotus Notes Domino 8 (and older) databases to SharePoint 2010 over the course of a number of years. We are currently at version 6.1 of the Quest product.

During 2019, we will be working to upgrade our SharePoint environment from 2010 to 2016. As it turns out, we have a late arrival of six Notes databases that will also need to be migrated out of SP in that same timeframe. Two questions:

1. Not knowing our SP 2010 to 2016 upgrade plan (which could change anyway), is there a recommendation as to whether to try to migrate directly to 2010, adding those new six sites to the pile of 2010 sites that already need to be migrated to 2016, versus migrating the sites directly into 2016? Obviously the former would allow us to keep our NMSP version where it is now, so there is that reason for the former alternative, but having six fewer sites to migrate to 2016 might be a better goal.

2. Must we upgrade NMSP in order to migrate directly into 2016?


  • Thank you for posting to the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP) community forum. MNSP version 6.1 is over 5 years old and is no longer supported by Quest. The MNSP product lifecycle can be found on the following page:



    We would always suggest using a supported version of MNSP, so that we can provide full support should any issues arise.


    1.) I can't really say which migration plan would be best for your particular environment. Ideally, if you migrate from Notes to SharePoint 2010 now, then upgrade to SharePoint 2016, the results should be the same as migrating directly to SharePoint 2016. We would recommend testing the process in your environment to verify results.


    2.) Yes, you would need to upgrade MNSP to migrate directly to SharePoint 2016.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need any additional clarification. 


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Quest | Support

  • Thank you for posting to the Migrator for Notes to SharePoint (MNSP) community forum. MNSP version 6.1 is over 5 years old and is no longer supported by Quest. The MNSP product lifecycle can be found on the following page:



    We would always suggest using a supported version of MNSP, so that we can provide full support should any issues arise.


    1.) I can't really say which migration plan would be best for your particular environment. Ideally, if you migrate from Notes to SharePoint 2010 now, then upgrade to SharePoint 2016, the results should be the same as migrating directly to SharePoint 2016. We would recommend testing the process in your environment to verify results.


    2.) Yes, you would need to upgrade MNSP to migrate directly to SharePoint 2016.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need any additional clarification. 


    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Quest | Support
