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Warning: Images column has a scope 'Render with <Form name> form' that does not match the scope of any HTML column (Source Data Definition)

Hi All 


Can some explain me how i can Render Lotus Document to a image 


When I try with Image option it throws 


Warning: Images column has a scope 'Render with  <Form name>  form' that does not match the scope of any HTML column (Source Data Definition)

  • Hi trivenigk,

    Generally speaking, most customers select one of the following options to render Notes database records to images:

    1.) Open MNSP Designer.
    2.) Select the Notes tab.
    3.) Under Source Data Definition, click Load.
    4.) Select "Render.pmsrc".
    5.) Select the SharePoint tab.
    6.) Under Target Data Definition, click Load.
    7.) Select PDF.pmtrg for example as your render output type.

    You can now view the Map Data tab to view the mappings that were made by these pre-set data definitions. You can now add additional data mappings as required to generate the additional items you would like to add to the target SharePoint list, in addition to the rendered file.



  • Hi trivenigk,

    Generally speaking, most customers select one of the following options to render Notes database records to images:

    1.) Open MNSP Designer.
    2.) Select the Notes tab.
    3.) Under Source Data Definition, click Load.
    4.) Select "Render.pmsrc".
    5.) Select the SharePoint tab.
    6.) Under Target Data Definition, click Load.
    7.) Select PDF.pmtrg for example as your render output type.

    You can now view the Map Data tab to view the mappings that were made by these pre-set data definitions. You can now add additional data mappings as required to generate the additional items you would like to add to the target SharePoint list, in addition to the rendered file.



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