How are Groups within ACLs handled during migration?

If users have their permissions assigned in Domino ACLs via (nested) groups, how are those permissions migrated e.g. for MailInDBs?

Will MNE actually resolve all (nested) groups and assign permissions on a per-user basis, or will MNE just ignore (nested) groups?

If nested groups are also resolved, how deep will this go? First level, second level, as much as it takes?

  • You are talking about two different things. First if the ACL or permissions, the second is the effective permissions. NME will translate the permissions. The effective permissions are handled by the group membership in the target platform. NME will migrate the groups and their memberships. So the net results is that the target ACLs will match the source and the target effective permissions will match the source. 

  • I don't think that we talk about the same thing.

    Usually groups are migrated last in a Domino --> Exchange migration, thus when users are migrated first the groups that are referenced in the Access Control List  (ACL) of the user are not available in the target environment (AD). What happens to users that gained permissions trough a group in this scenario? As groups are not available in the target environment, access cannot be granted to those groups. Thus it would only be possible to grant access to already mail enabled user objects. This would in turn only be possible, of MNE would resolve the groups to individual users.

    So in my case (groups get migrated last) the effective permissions for users that received access trough groups would be none?

  • groups get migrated last

    What is your reason for this? In the migrations I deal with, groups are usually migrated first - groups in ACLs being one reason, another is that migrated users can immediately use them as distribution lists.

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