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Mail routing by CMN

My scenario only 30MBX should be migrated to exchange, the rest of user don’t have data in the domino server, They required that domino running in coexistence for a while after users data migrated:

So Within CMN, one set of SMTP IN and SMTP OUT queues is configured to accept mail from Domino and deliver it to the receiving Exchange server, while another set is configured to accept mail from Exchange and deliver it to Domino. Then both Exchange and Domino servers configured to point to the CMN server.

In this case mail coexistence will run in the server level (All emails received and sent by notes will be copied to exchange, and when users migrated to exchange this will be happened to notes too ) , 

so If I run mail-forward option rule in the MNE and select forward to exchange, then migrate the user,  is that mean domino will not keep messages forwarded to  exchange or sent from exchange, please clear me up?

Thank you

  • so If I run mail-forward option rule in the MNE and select forward to exchange, then migrate the user,  is that mean domino will not keep messages forwarded to  exchange or sent from exchange, please clear me up?

    Yes, you only want delivery to be into Exchange or Notes

  • Currently  MX record is pointing to Lotus Notes , let me say in another way if (user 1) migrated and mail forward set to him, (user 2) not migrated, mail forward not set to him and  have mailbox in Exchange and domino with correct targetaddress,

     so I want to be sure of the following:-

    1. If the (user 1) by outlook send email to (user 2), so the email will go to domino server , although (user 2) have mail box in the exchange?
    2. If the (user 1) received message form outside, it will received by domino and copy of it will send to exchange ?
    3. If the (user 1) send an email to outside, the copy of his message will go to sent items in his domino MBX?  


    Thank you 

    1. If the (user 1) by outlook send email to (user 2), so the email will go to domino server , although (user 2) have mail box in the exchange? Yes. this is what mail routing task does. It will set the Exchange mailbox to forward to Domino.
    2. If the (user 1) received message form outside, it will received by domino and copy of it will send to exchange ? No, It will be forwarded to Exchange and not stored in the domino mail file. 
    3. If the (user 1) send an email to outside, the copy of his message will go to sent items in his domino MBX?  No. It will only be sent externally. Even if that external path routes through Exchange to Domino to internet. 

      Also this is really not a Quest Software related issue. This is pure message routing and forwarding. 

    I have to ask, why would you want the messages stored in both places? 

    • The customer was need to keep data updated in both domino and exchange
  • That is going to present an issue. Doing so will also stop F/B lookups from working. You need to reset the customer expectations. 

Reply Children
  • As I am using CMN, When I set mail forwarding address by MNE should I mark (use the current domino internet address) or mark (build address from internet address) after that in (forwarding mail domain) should put exchange server name as or put after that check box append domino domain

  • Thanks for posting to the Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN) and Migrator for Notes to Exchange (MNE)  community forum. I understand you have questions about setting forwarding with MNE. Based on your other post, it sounds like you are using a single shared namespace between Notes and Exchange. This type of coexistence typically involves smart host routing.

    In regards to the options to select in the MNE Manage mail routing wizard, it sounds like you can select the "Use current Domino internet address" option. There is a "Sample address" that is populated on this screen, based on your settings. This "Sample address" is what will be stamped in the "Forwarding Address" field on the Domino Person document, which will need to successfully route to Exchange in your environment.

    Trevor Taegder
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Quest | Support

  • Thank you very much Trevor

    yes single domain name, I have already do the following steps and the routing goes fine

    • check box Set mail forwarding address
    • choose Build address from internet
    • Forwarding mail domain:
    • Append Domino domain to forwarding address (to mark the forward email )