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What does verify actually do?

I'm looking for some clarification on the verify process.

The documentation states that the verify process is "To verify the stream length written to the media and ensure that no blocks
were dropped during backup" and that "The Phase 2 backup verification job does not verify the integrity of
data. This phase only verifies that the backup was actually written to the media."

If the above statements are true, why does Netvault also read the datastream from one of my dr4100 appliances when it is verifying a tape? (the device activity screen clearly shows this happening as do interface utilization rates in my environment)

We have 2 dr4100s in our environment, one that is remote from the Netvault server and tape library and one that is local. We duplicate jobs from the remote to the local dr4100 and then data copy them with encryption from the local dr4100 to tape.

Lately, since upgrading to 11.2, Netvault has taken to reading the stream back from the remote dr4100 FOR RANDOM SEGMENTS, not the one which was used as source data when it wrote the backup it is comparing. If I look at the job history and see 4 segments in the backup, it is possible that 2 were read from each dr4100 or that all were read from one or the other. I can see no way to control this behavior, there are no setting in the job, the only thing declared is the source appliance, which I'd expect to be used for all functions.

  • Hi.
    The verify itself runs as a Phase 2 which reads the stream back from the device it was written to ensure the stream length is consistent with the backup.
    If it is reading back from DR then I would expect it to be verifying the data it wrote during the Phase 1 part of the job. But if it is reading the segments from both DRs, then it may be due to the backup being duplicated rather than data copied originally, and the streams in that case are interchangeable. There is an option to force verify to run locally though.
    You can enable this in: Change Settings->Verify->Always run verify locally.

    Try enabling this and let me know if it works for you in this case.
  • Hi.
    The verify itself runs as a Phase 2 which reads the stream back from the device it was written to ensure the stream length is consistent with the backup.
    If it is reading back from DR then I would expect it to be verifying the data it wrote during the Phase 1 part of the job. But if it is reading the segments from both DRs, then it may be due to the backup being duplicated rather than data copied originally, and the streams in that case are interchangeable. There is an option to force verify to run locally though.
    You can enable this in: Change Settings->Verify->Always run verify locally.

    Try enabling this and let me know if it works for you in this case.
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