CPUU fails to connect to on-prem exchange 2016 after successful creation of temp profile

source: exchange 2010 | target: Onprem exchange 2016 | Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus - en-us | CPUU 5.8.3

  • upgraded CPUU from 5.8.1
  • every variation of permissions with no luck. (service account in the Target, service account in the Source, different service account for source and target, user's credentials prompted/pass thru)
  • reapplied permissions to mailboxes (target and source) and confirm access to mailboxes using autodiscover url from workstation
CPUU connects to source mbx retrieves all the settings, logs onto target mbx creates a temporary profile, fails a the last step of "Setting credentials for MAPILogon:"
using the command line -LeaveTemporaryProfile I can successfully open the temporary target profile 

Started logging on to profile 'CPUU_{1513216511651mkjmjm0b0000000000}'.
4/27/2020 2:33:19 PM 48716 [Trace] Using admin credentials: targetDomain\targetServiceAccount.
4/27/2020 2:33:19 PM 48716 [Trace] Hook procedure for the dialog box prompting for credentials was successfully installed.
4/27/2020 2:33:19 PM 48716 [Trace] Setting credentials for MAPILogon: targetDomain\targetServiceAccount.
4/27/2020 2:33:19 PM 48716 [Trace] Calling MAPILogon procedure.

4/27/2020 2:33:19 PM 48716 [Trace] Calling MAPILogon procedure.
4/27/2020 2:33:21 PM 48716 [Trace] Open store 'user@domain.com'.
MAPI result: 0x80040111, Description: MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED, Extended info: Component: MAPI 1.0, Description: The information store could not be opened., Context: 646, Low level: 0
Stack: 00000001402A5F92 00000001402A5C4B 00000001402A5227 00000001400399D5 000000014009D114 000000014011D306 0000000140116D76 0000000140116B3A 000000014023B6A5 000000014023B4F4 000000014022C8D7 0000000140254CB3 000000014025253B 0000000140043C84 0000000140043556 000000014005470E 00000001402F7368 BaseThreadInitThunk RtlUserThreadStart
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Trace] Hook procedure was successfully released.
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Trace] Dialog box history:
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Trace] 'Outlook Could Not Logon' dialog. 'Ok' button was pressed.
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Trace] 'Action could not be completed' dialog. 'Ok' button was pressed.
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Error] Cannot log on to the profile. Please verify the logon credentials, connection settings in CPUU.ini and that the Exchange server is available. Also you can use the 'LeaveTemporaryProfile' parameter to check the temporary profile. For more details, see the product documentation.
MAPI result: 0x80040111, Description: MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED

Stack: 00000001402A5F92 00000001402A5C4B 00000001402A5227 00000001400399D5 0000000140116E2D 0000000140116B3A 000000014023B6A5 000000014023B4F4 000000014022C8D7 0000000140254CB3 000000014025253B 0000000140043C84 0000000140043556 000000014005470E 00000001402F7368 BaseThreadInitThunk RtlUserThreadStart
4/27/2020 2:33:22 PM 48716 [Info] Modifying profile 'Outlook' is 'failed'.

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