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How does MM handle O365 licenses?

Migration Manager 8.14.

How does MM deal with different Office365 licenses? My current customer has both E1 & E3 that will be assigned. I know I configure the license type in each collection, but what happens in these two separate scenarios?

1. We migrate the user objects to the the target domain (just AD, no mailboxes right now), AAD Connect syncs to the cloud, and we assign E1 & E3s, enabling only SharePoint. What happens if I take one of those users with an E3 and put them in a calendar sync collection configured for an E1, or vice-versa? Does it change the license or leave it alone?

2. If a calendar collection is configured to use an E3, then all users in that collection get an E3. What happens when those same users are also added to a mail sync collection that is configured for an E1, or vice-versa? Again, does it change the license or leave it alone?

