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MSA doesn't appear to be adhering to days to filter

Sorry I need to revisit this. During testing the MSA only brought over 30 days of email. Now I'm starting with a pilot user, and it doesn't appear to be adhering to that setting. In the root of the Inbox it looks ok so far, but the sub-folders in the Inbox contain email older than 30 days.

  • Hey Rich,

    When you're filtering by days it's important to note that the PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME property of each message. So if that property isn't older than 30 days the message will still come across even if the message was created older than 30 days.
  • Hey Rich,

    When you're filtering by days it's important to note that the PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME property of each message. So if that property isn't older than 30 days the message will still come across even if the message was created older than 30 days.
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