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The message being sent exceeds the message size established for this user

Just a quick question around the behavior of this error. I'm running MMEX 8.12 with legacy agents. Source and target Exchange is 2010 SP3.

2/3/2017 8:21:45 AM CMessage::CopyFromPST Error -2147467259 The message being sent exceeds the message size established for this user. - MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store) Low level error: 0x4DA File: 'aeCopyMsg.cpp' Line: '1573' (Subject: 'BF00D77DC528AB4AB1F802970D74375C000019EE77DD', SourceKey: 'BF00D77DC528AB4AB1F802970D74375C000019EE77DD')


The source side allows 35MB size, while the target only allows 25MB. I have been increasing the target limit on a per user basis, since it only seems to be a handful, but I'm curious as what would happen if I didn't increase it. Would I still be able to switch the mailbox, and they just wouldn't have that large piece of mail? Or would the move not happen because it wouldn't meet the "Switch mailboxes with unsynchronized mail size:" value that I have set in the Switch Collection?

  • There are two cases:

    1) In the case of a manual switch (via right-click in the UI [generally not recommended]), the mailbox will switch in any case
    2) If the discrepancy in size between the mailboxes exceeds your configured threshold, then the switch collection will not switch the mailbox

  • There are two cases:

    1) In the case of a manual switch (via right-click in the UI [generally not recommended]), the mailbox will switch in any case
    2) If the discrepancy in size between the mailboxes exceeds your configured threshold, then the switch collection will not switch the mailbox

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