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Mailbox deleted or simply overwritten?

MMEX 8.13, legacy agents, Exchange 2010 in source and target

I have a mailbox user matching in both source and target

I have the ForbidDelMailbox set to 0.

I need some clarification on what actually happens when the tool, cal or mail sync, sees the existing target mailbox.

Does it actually delete the mailbox and re-create it, or is it overwriting it?

  • I'm pretty sure it's full-on delete. Remember too that there are thresholds available to control the behavior - i.e. don't delete a mailbox if it's bigger than x. This concept was introduced to deal with the auto-instantiation of mailboxes that began to plague migrations around Exchange 2010.
  • I'm pretty sure it's full-on delete. Remember too that there are thresholds available to control the behavior - i.e. don't delete a mailbox if it's bigger than x. This concept was introduced to deal with the auto-instantiation of mailboxes that began to plague migrations around Exchange 2010.
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