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Synchronization: Remove all resynchronization settings from agent database

Hello all-

Question regarding this setting and its purpose.

I've run into some mailboxes on this project that switched successfully on their own but users were still missing mail. Sometimes 1000+ messages. I issue a full re-sync (items to resynchronize=all) and the user states she is still missing messages. I checked her source/target mailboxes and she's telling the truth.

The option "remove all re-synchronization settings from the agent database" option. If chosen, will this "reset" what the tools things is in sync and what is not? I would then issue a re-sync with "mailbox contents only" selected and the tool will be forced to go through all folders and copy to the target?

I guess I'd like more clarity on this option and when to use it. The user guide if pretty vague.

As always, thanks for your help



  • I did check and there were two in archive. I tried a restore and let the target agent re-process. Nothing but this error:
    CMessage::CopyFromPST Error -2147467259 The client operation failed. - MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store) File: 'aeCopyMsg.cpp' Line: '477....
    Regardless, I think I was able to retrieve what the user needed.
    Thanks JohnnyQuest..
  • I did check and there were two in archive. I tried a restore and let the target agent re-process. Nothing but this error:
    CMessage::CopyFromPST Error -2147467259 The client operation failed. - MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store) File: 'aeCopyMsg.cpp' Line: '477....
    Regardless, I think I was able to retrieve what the user needed.
    Thanks JohnnyQuest..
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