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Public folder sync problem

Trying to start public folder sync after installing ExchangeMapiCdo on both source and target.  Getting outlook 2013 is not install and cannot add the collection

  • I did not installed the agent on the source when I have got the error. after installing on the source, I passed the screen but no sync take place yet
  • It sounds like the Default Agent host for the Source & Target Exchange servers is NOT set to the machines you want the agents to install to? Expand Source or/& Exchange organization, until you see the Exchange servers, right click, select Properties, and check the "Default Agent Host", and this is where the MAPI CDO needs to be installed. Keep in mind, you also need to restart servers after MAPI CDO install. One more though, be sure it's the required version, not just 121, but the specific version within the documentation for your version. This would be similar to 6.5.3....

    I hope this helps,
  • Thanks I will try the reboot. Connect is fine now but the log file did not created on the source server and nothing start syncing yet. I will try a reboot next time.

  • By the way the sync job creating the public folder? I can see the source creating the file and the target not getting and no error
  • I'm sorry? What's the issue currently?
  • If the log file was not created you will need to do the following.

    1. Uninstall all the agents on the agent host including the shared components.
    2. Logon to the agent host that had the agents installed and completely delete the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aelita Shared
    3. Reboot the agent host.
    4. Reinstall all the agents onto the agent host.

  • The problem is the sync job is created. The public folders has not make it to the target but the folder "Out" has the file in it. NO error specify
  • Thank you I will try the uninstall and start again
  • Are you seeing any logging for the agents? If not, use the steps above, from Chris.
    If you are seeing logging, but no action, we probably need a service request with our support team to research the issue.