Received the error Error 0x6d1. The procedure number is out of range.

We initiated the 10 Workstations Migrations by using the RUM Console.

Out of 10, 9 Workstation got Migrated to Target Domain successfully, but one workstation not Migrated. getting Error message Error 0x6d1. The procedure number is out of range. in the MOVE Process Failed

Checked the Particular Workstation is reachable and also Remote Registry is running state. Please help me how to Migrated this workstation.

Also observed the Workstation Object Name is in Source Domain, not an Target Domain.

Parents Reply Children
  • Not sure exactly this is correct way, but I retried the Migration without selecting this option in advance (Perform the task remotely (without agents).  finally its worked

  • Oh...

    It's generally much more efficient (and potentially reliable) to de-select that option (I've never understood why it's on by default).  That way the agent on the workstation is responsible for performing the action.  Otherwise, it is the Resource Updating Manager (RUM) controller service on the console that does the work over the network wire.