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Foreign Security Principal Objects belongs to Local Internal Domain accounts instead of trusted external domain accounts

In my AD environment, there are lot of FSP objects belong to local Internal domain accounts instead of trusted external domain accounts showing under Foreign Security Principals container. I mean SID value of FSP objects (showing under Name column in FSP container) resolves to Internal Domain user accounts rather than trusted external domain user accounts. Moreover, Readable Name of FSP objects is also showing as "Internal Domain\samAccountName" rather than trusted external domain samAccountName.

Kindly let me know root cause and explain how did this happen.

Thanks in advance!

  • In a clean, new set of forests and domains with a two-way trust. There are NO FSP.

    The source domain SID is S-1-5-21-4173298193-2051065138-1650543716
    The target domain SID is S-1-5-21-818314195-1326715257-2966284822

    I created a domain local group in the Target Domain and added a source users.
    This created and FSP with a CN of S-1-5-21-4173298193-2051065138-1650543716-1123 along with 4 other built-in FSP (Short SIDs).

    It should be noted that there is no attribute for "Readable Name", it is only visible in the UI of user and computers. The readable name is resolved at run time. 

    Looking in Users and Computers, in the FSP container, the readable name for S-1-5-21-4173298193-2051065138-1650543716-1123 is Source\Ally.albert

    Next I migrate Ally Albert from source to target with SidHistory (This is the key). 

    I refresh the view of the FSP container in the Users and Computers. 

    The Readable Name for S-1-5-21-4173298193-2051065138-1650543716-1123 is Target\Ally.albert however the Object;s whenChanged and WhenCreated date/time stamps are still the same. This proves that the FSP has not actually change. 

    So the root cause for the Readable Name being displayed as Internaldomain\SameAccountName is SidHistory. 

    FYI, Vladimir and Wally is the same person and no longer around. 

  • This will be my last post to this very long thread. If you have any other question, please post a new topic.

    As I understand correctly, migrated target users(sidhistory preserved) will experience denial of service even though sidhistory value of target user matched with orphaned SIDs because orphaned SIDs are not associated with any security principals. Am I correct?

    The FSP is a member of a group, not the source objects. So if you delete the FSP, the users will lose membership to the group via sidhistory/fsp link. 

    Could you please share ADPW guide/article that can explain the process of resource processing?

    The support portal is key.

    There is a whole knowledge base and technical documents on this

    Here is a direct link to the ADPW section of the documenation.

    What about sidhistory removal after inter-forest migration? Is there any specific tool by Quest for performing this task automated way?

    ADPW can do that too. 

    How do I removing sidhistory efficiently after migration?

    Use ADPW to remove the sidhistory that was applied during the migration. 

    Is there is any guide/article of sidhistory removal that can explain the process?

    See the documentation and links above

  • This will be my last post to this very long thread. If you have any other question, please post a new topic.

    As I understand correctly, migrated target users(sidhistory preserved) will experience denial of service even though sidhistory value of target user matched with orphaned SIDs because orphaned SIDs are not associated with any security principals. Am I correct?

    The FSP is a member of a group, not the source objects. So if you delete the FSP, the users will lose membership to the group via sidhistory/fsp link. 

    Could you please share ADPW guide/article that can explain the process of resource processing?

    The support portal is key.

    There is a whole knowledge base and technical documents on this

    Here is a direct link to the ADPW section of the documenation.

    What about sidhistory removal after inter-forest migration? Is there any specific tool by Quest for performing this task automated way?

    ADPW can do that too. 

    How do I removing sidhistory efficiently after migration?

    Use ADPW to remove the sidhistory that was applied during the migration. 

    Is there is any guide/article of sidhistory removal that can explain the process?

    See the documentation and links above

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