Source and Target domains users are using the same O365 tenant can I migrate users from Source to Target using MMAD

Source and Target domains users are using the same O365 tenant can I migrate users from Source to Target using MMAD or do I need MM for O365?

The O365 subscription for the users in the source domain will be the same subscription as once they are in the Target domain. 

  • Yes MMAD is fine.

    My setup:

    Use a different forest

    Set up an external trust.

    Copy users over, keep same UPN.

    Shuffle users around between different OU's that sync to o365

    Move user to UnSync OU in source domain

    Run Delta Sync

    Confirm user is deleted 'get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName []('

    Restore as Cloud User 'Restore-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName []( -AutoReconcileProxyConflicts '

    Set Immutable ID to $Null - Set-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName "[](" -ImmutableID "$null"

    Move user to Sync OU in new domain.

    Run Delta Sync

    Run full AADC import

    Ensure user now shows as Synced with Active Directory in Portal.

  • Yes MMAD is fine.

    My setup:

    Use a different forest

    Set up an external trust.

    Copy users over, keep same UPN.

    Shuffle users around between different OU's that sync to o365

    Move user to UnSync OU in source domain

    Run Delta Sync

    Confirm user is deleted 'get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName []('

    Restore as Cloud User 'Restore-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName []( -AutoReconcileProxyConflicts '

    Set Immutable ID to $Null - Set-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName "[](" -ImmutableID "$null"

    Move user to Sync OU in new domain.

    Run Delta Sync

    Run full AADC import

    Ensure user now shows as Synced with Active Directory in Portal.

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