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RUM Scripts - VmoverFileAssociationsCleanup.ps1

I am looking for some supporting documentation around some of the RUM scripts like "VmoverFileAssociationsCleanup.ps1".  Current clients security is blocking PowerShell from executing scripts from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Quest\ResourceUpdating - they have requested more detail on this script.

The closest information I have found is in the release notes section MMAD-50

Is there any more detailed information?

  • I know this forum post is quite old.  I am going through those which have no replies, and unfortunately, I see this one also never received a reply.  I hope you received some assistance in another medium.

  • I know this forum post is quite old.  I am going through those which have no replies, and unfortunately, I see this one also never received a reply.  I hope you received some assistance in another medium.

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