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LegacyExchangeDN and X500 - adding random numbers to LegacyExchangeDN attribute - random x500 addresses on resource mailboxes

I have a problem with some resource mailboxes I want to migrate. The issue is once those mailboxes got migrated and a full syn runs, qmm changes legacyexchangedn values adding random digits to the and of the value. 

for example: X500:/o=MY Org/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=somemailnickname35131471,

Then, the uttered value does not match the primary X500 address and the legacyexchangedn value got changed again. At the end, proxyAddresses attribute contains 400 different/random x500 addresses.

I thought the issue is related to the fact the mailnicknames contain hyphens (some-mail-nickname). I changed them by removing the hyphens but that didn't fixed the problem. 

Anyone knows how to fix this ?

Also, I would like to know how to prevent qmm from changing legacyexchangedn values. Since there is no such option in qmm settings there must be a way to do that change in the registry or lds database.

Important note: Source exchange is 2013 and Target is 2010 SP3

 Also I noticed that mailnickname doesn't get synced and has no value in the target domain. (resource mailboxes only)

